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[BBC Learning English] sports & activities expressions 10 https://youtu.be/HKp9oGD_dK0 1. walk in the park = easy no walk in the park 결코 쉽지 않은 일 2. It was like riding a bike = once you learn how to do something you never forget it 한번 배우면 결코 잊지 않은 일 3. dad dancing = a way of dancing which is a bit awkward, not very cool, maybe trying too hard (어색하고, 잘 못추는 하지만 노력하는) 아재 춤 What a dad dancer! 4. punch above your weight = to achieve beyond what is expected o.. 더보기
소용이 없다 be for the birds 가치 없는, 쓸모없는 for the birds That plan is for the birds. 그 계획은 고려할 가치가 없다. That film was so boring; it's strictly for the birds. 그 영화는 정말 지루하다, 정말 재미가 없다. 더보기
off the wall (재미있게) 특이한, 약간 미친 Some of his ideas are really off the wall. off the wall very strange or unusual, often in an amusing way 더보기
Y'all are a trip / trip이 신박한 사람이란 뜻으로! "We leave you at a gas station and you're apologizing to us? Y'all are a trip." - The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise p109 흔히 여행이라고 알고 있는 trip, 동사로 쓰이면 발에 걸려 넘어지다라는 뜻이 있다는 걸 배웠을 때도 새로웠는데, 코요테 선라이즈 책 속에서 또 새로운 쓰임을 배웠다. 출처: learnersdictionary.com US, informal + somewhat old-fashioned: an exciting or unusual experience or person - The party was quite a trip. - His mother is a trip. 미국에서 구어로 살짝.. 더보기
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods (2) - patch up / step up 화해하다를 영어로 https://quotesgram.com/patch-up-friend-quotes/ Patch Up Friend Quotes. QuotesGram Thank you! Don't forget to confirm subscription in your email. quotesgram.com https://youtu.be/yuuEDO7iqKA 1:12 부터 2. patch st/sb up : 화해하다, (불화) 수습하다 ex) They’ve managed to patch up discord. [그들은 불화를 간신히 수습했다] ex) The more you take time, the more difficult it is to patch up. [시간이 오래 걸릴수록, 화해하는 게 더 힘들어.] .. 더보기
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods (1)- vouch for https://www.azquotes.com/quote/597558 vouch for (someone or something) 보증하다 : to say that (someone or something) is honest, true, or good I can vouch for the authenticity of the document. We'll vouch for him. He's a good guy. Merriam-Wbster Learner's Dictionary Nobody had a pen and paper to take notes, so I can't vouch for what follows, but I can tell you it's what the Greeks thought happened. (.. 더보기
부전자전- The apples don't fall from the tree You've got the same black hair as your dad I had it too, way back. And look, he was scrawny then, too. same as you, same as me, with those ears like a jug. The men in our family- I guess our apples don't fall far from the tree, eh? p10, PAX Like father, like son 처럼 간단히 말할 수도 있지만, 빈번히 듣게 되는 말인듯 하다. 관용구를 자주 쓰는 경우가 많다. I guess this apple didn't fall far from the tree. 더보기
용기를 내! Man up That had hurt a lot, but he'd only cursed through the pain waiting with the coach for X-rays. Man up. But today, twice. p9, PAX by Sara Pennypacker 남자답게 행동해! 맞서! 용기를 내! 영화 속 키티가 라라진에게 버스타기 싫다며 운전하라고 이야기할 때도 I hate taking the bus. Can you please man up and start driving? man은 동사자리에서 쓰인다는 점 기억하기! 꼭 남자에게 쓸 필요는 없고 당당히 맞서라는 말로 쓰인다. 더보기