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conjure up 떠올리다 Ray is tried to conjure up his face. She tries to imagine him sitting in his office at his desk. 50p, Raymie Nightingale conjure up - 을 상기시키다, 떠올리다 더보기
nick 칼로 벤 자국 Within an hour we were both drenched with sweat, smelled like grease and oil, and had a few nicks and scratches from picking up old metal and other scraps. - 133p/ The land of forgotten girls * nick n (무엇의 표면에 칼로) 살짝 베인 자국 v (실수로) -을 살짝 베다 * in the nick of time 아슬아슬하게, 바로 직전에 더보기
vantage point 좋은 위치, 시점 I saw the Beast from my vantage point, and I know he saw me - or smelled me, at least. He lifted his square head and perked up his pointed ears. He was a big, black dog. 131p, The land of forgotten girls * vantage point (무엇을 지켜보기에) 좋은 위치, (특히 과거를 생각해 보는) 시점[상황] https://www.quora.com/What-does-vantage-point-mean-in-art 더보기
clobber 을 두들겨패다, 박살내다/whack 을 갈기다, 세게 치다 Ming didn't like the idea of rats scratching around in our walls, but she really didn't like the idea of them getting clobbered by traps. * clobber -을 두들겨패다 He makes sure they don't get whacked by the traps. * whack -을 갈기다, 세게 치다 20p The land of forgotten girls 더보기
Preferential treatment 특별대우 She even gave me a set of special pencils. She told me not tell anyone because she’s not supposed to show preferential treatment, so don’t say anything. P20/ The land of forgotten girls Chinese hospital's preferential care for 'high-level' patients stirs debate https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d3d514d34637a4e79457a6333566d54/share_p.html 더보기
The Patter of Tiny Feet 아장아장 걷는 발걸음 patter 빗방울이 후드득 하는 소리를 내다 발걸음이 타닥거리는 소리를 내다 the pitter- patter of tiny feet 갓난 아기의 아장아장 걷는 발소리 * 앞으로 생기거나 태어날 아기를 비유해서 쓰는 표현 Are we going to hear the patter of tiny feet? 우리도 이제 정말 아기가 생기는거야? 더보기
Don’t grill me 캐묻지마 I remember one time last summer she practically grilled me about Amelia, which is one of my least favorite things to talk about. P13 / The land of forgotten girls grill은 보통 열을 아래에서 가해 고기를 굽는다는 뜻이나, 호되게 추궁하다, (질문을 퍼부어) -을 몰아세우다 라는 뜻도 있다. The judge grilled them about what had happened that night. 우리말에선 들볶는다고 하는데 비슷한 느낌이 든다 Hopefully They Dont Grill Me Too Hard https://tenor.com/ko/view/hopefully-t.. 더보기
The icing on the cake 금상첨화 an extra good thing that happens and makes a situation or activity even better. In American English, you can also talk about the frosting on the cake. https://tenor.com/bfgOV.gif Icing Cake GIF - Icing Cake Decorate - Discover & Share GIFsClick to view the GIFtenor.com 더보기