English 썸네일형 리스트형 go-to는 무슨 뜻? Skinny margaritas are my go-to. 어떤 물건이나 (깊게 생각할 필요없는) 음식, 가방, 표정 등 모든 것을 표현할 때 사용할 수 있어요. When you say "What's your go-to coffee order?", what does "go-to" mean? “Go-to” denotes a certain thing that is regularly chosen or relied upon. A “go-to coffee order” is a coffee order that a person regularly gets! https://hinative.com/questions/22187816 이렇게 쓰면 되요! Pasta is my go-to meal after work because.. 더보기 Let's split the bill / Let's go fifty-fifty /Let's share the bill 1/n하자~ 반반씩 내자 영어로는 Let's split the bill. Let's go fifty-fifty. Let's share the bill. 더보기 put on the back burner 나중으로 미루다 idiom. chiefly US. : in the position of something that will not receive immediate attention and action. She put her singing career on the back burner to pursue her dream of being a movie star. * put/leave sth on the back burner ~을 나중으로 미루다(연기하다) * a burning issue/question 다급한 문제 더보기 cide 잘라내다(cut)->죽이다(kill) cide는 원래 '잘라낸다'는 뜻이었다. 생명이 있는 것을 '자르면' 그것은 '죽는다' suicide n. 자살, 자멸 a. 자살의, - commit suicide homicide n. 살인(죄) The homicide rate went down. 살인범죄율이 떨어졌다. * homi는 human의 어근과 같다 pesticide 살충제, 농약 a pesticide-free method of farming 무농약 농법 decide 결정하다, 결심하다 - decision n. 결정 - decisive a. 결정적인, 결단력 있는 I've decided to run for student council prsident! (수능기출) 나는 학생회장 선거에 출마하기로 결심했어! * 우리말 결단의 단도 '자를 단'이다.. 더보기 pale beside 무색하다 A: The new Peter Jackson movie is awesom. 새로 나온 피터잭슨 영화 정말 끝내주더라 B: It’s good. But it pales beside the ‘Lord of the Ring’ movies. You can’t compare the two. 좋은 영화지. 그런데 ‘반지의 제왕’옆에선 무색해지지. 두 개를 비교할 수도 없을걸 출처: 한권으로 끝내는 네이티브 영어회화사전 * pale v. to lose color to appear less important, good, serious, etc., when compared with something else His accomplishments pale beside those of his father. 더보기 have a flair for ~에 재능이 있다 “Coffee machine, my ass,” Granny snorted. She had a flair for getting on Mom’s nerves with only a few words. Mom was furious that her elegant taste was being mocked. Almond, 139p *a flair for sth ~에 타고난 재능, 소질 You have a flair for languages. 더보기 I have a hunch 감이 와 His eyes quivered when he saw me. I had a hunch that I would see him again soon. Well, I know “hunch” isn’t a word that really fits me. Technically, I never felt the hunch. Almond, 85p *hunch n. 예감, 직감 hunch your shoulders 어깨를 구부정하게 하다 Hunchback 곱사등이 더보기 Would tomorrow work for you? 내일 괜찮은지 일정 조율할 때 내일은 어때요? 영어로 Would tomorrow work for you? Does tomorrow work for you? 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 8 다음