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go-to는 무슨 뜻?

Skinny margaritas are my go-to

어떤 물건이나 (깊게 생각할 필요없는) 음식, 가방, 표정 등 모든 것을 표현할 때 사용할 수 있어요.


When you say "What's your go-to coffee order?", what does "go-to" mean?

“Go-to” denotes a certain thing that is regularly chosen or relied upon. A “go-to coffee order” is a coffee order that a person regularly gets!



이렇게 쓰면 되요!


Pasta is my go-to meal after work because it is easy to make. 


Modern Family is my go-to TV show.  자주 보는, 즐겨보는


Starbucks is my go-to place when I am bored. 


What's your go-to coffee?

What's your go-to restaurant in Gangnam? 


This is my go-to pizza place. 

My go-to song is Best I Ever Had by Drake. 




My go-to answer for anything 뭐든 통하는 대답

My go-to answer for anything. Staying out late? School project. Need extra money? School project. - 13 readons why 8p * go-to 형용사 go-to (사람이) 도움이 필요하면 찾게 되는 go-to guy/man/woman 해결사 She is my go to for help. What is y


책 <13 reasons why>에서 나온 표현도 함께 보세요!