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[BBC Learning English] sports & activities expressions 10


1. walk in the park = easy

no walk in the park 결코 쉽지 않은 일


2. It was like riding a bike

= once you learn how to do something you never forget it

한번 배우면 결코 잊지 않은 일


3. dad dancing

= a way of dancing which is a bit awkward, not very cool, maybe trying too hard

(어색하고, 잘 못추는 하지만 노력하는) 아재 춤

What a dad dancer! 


4. punch above your weight

= to achieve beyond what is expected of you

기대 이상의 성과를 이루다

평범한 남자가 매력적인 여성과 데이트를 하거나 국가나 회사가 이룬 성과를 말할 때

Croatia punches above its weight when it comes to football. 


5. make a song and dance ( about something) 별것 아닌 일에 부산을 떨다

= to make lots of unnecessary fuss about something = overreact


6. A game  최고 수준의 기량 발휘

= your best or highest level of performance

Bring your A game 


7. couch surfing = they temporarily stay in other people's houses for free- often sleeping on the sofa or couch-because they don't have their own home. 


8. kick into the long grass 무기한 연기하다

= delay a plan or decision because it is difficult or problematic


9. up your game = improve 더 잘하고, 분발해

I never finish novels. I need to up my reading game.

I badly need to work on my interview game before my big interview next week.

You should raise your running game. 

I think we need to up your emoji game


10. do a runner 줄행랑을 놓다

= leave a place in order to avoid a difficult or unpleasant situation