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An American Marriage

An American Marriage p19-20


Olive brought me into this world = gave birth to me 


sock-it-to-me cake / bundt cake과 비슷 

How Did This Cake Get Its Unique Name?

The origin of this rich, flavorful Sock It To Me Cakes takes us back to the late 1960s. During this era, the term "sock it to me," a popular slang catchphrase meaning "give it to me," was heard as a punch line in the comedy show Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In and immortalized in the song Respect by Aretha Franklin.

Whether the name for this recipe was adapted from one of these sources is unclear. Even though the specific origin of the cake name is uncertain, the recipe found its way to the back of Duncan Hines’s yellow cake mix and has been a popular staple in kitchens for decades since.



Sock It To Me Cake

Our Sock It To Me Cake recipe is scratch-made with simple pantry ingredients. This classic Bundt cake came about during the 1960s when "sock it to me" was a popular catchphrase.




bundt cake 

A Bundt cake is a cake that is baked in a Bundt pan, shaping it into a distinctive donut shape. The shape is inspired by a traditional European cake known as Gugelhupf, but Bundt cakes are not generally associated with any single recipe. The style of mold in North America was popularized in the 1950s and 1960s, after cookware manufacturer Nordic Ware trademarked the name "Bundt" and began producing Bundt pans from cast aluminum. Publicity from Pillsbury saw the cakes gain widespread popularity.


cinnamon-swirled helpings


processed sugar = white sugar 


dump : bad, not good place


revisionist tendencies : changing the past, change in detail


au nautrel : naked



Biscuits and honey


What is a traditional Southern breakfast?


As a child, I have fond memories of enjoying southern breakfasts of scrambled eggs, grits, and sausage or bacon, all served with flaky, buttery biscuits. Breakfast was not just a meal, but a reflection of our southern heritage and family traditions.




Nine Essentials For A Traditional Southern Breakfast - Due South

Discover the ingredients and must-have dishes for a classic Southern breakfast. Learn the nine essentials for a complete Southern breakfast experience.



looking-back talking = hindsight talking


for real = seriously


bad mojo

it means bad luck or bad vibes/feelings


A state of nervous fear or anxiety: the jitters, the willies


the French braids 


Word = I agree


go left : crazy, wrong 


keep it in check : restrain 억제하다, 감독하다

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