13 reasons why 썸네일형 리스트형 bat your eyes (애교부리며) 눈을 깜빡이다 I think I even saw you bat your eyes. Yeah, that’s Courtney. No one can resist her, and she flirts with everyone. 99p bat your eyes/ eyelashes (애교를 부리며) 눈을 깜빡이다 https://tenor.com/0G4O.gif Lashes Batting GIF - Lashes Batting Blinking - Discover & Share GIFsClick to view the GIFtenor.com 더보기 repercussion (좋지 않은) 영향, 파장 So to back up a bit, this tape isn’t about why you did what you did, Alex. It’s about the repercussions of what you did. More specifically, it’s about the repercussions to me. It’s about those things you didn’t plan- things you couldn’t plan. - 13 reasons why / 42p * repercussions 주로 복수형 / (좋지 않은) 영향, 파장 -consequence는 중립적 / 영향이 좋을수도 좋지 않을수도 있다 더보기 build a reputation 명성을 쌓다 명성은 시간을 두고 쌓아가는 것 reputation은 내가 노력해서 벌거나 습득해야 하는 대상 - 네이티브영어표현력사전 235p She was building quite a reputation in a short amount of time. - 13 reasons why, 39p 더보기 on the spur of the moment 즉흥적으로 spur (비유적으로) 박차, 자극제 This is not a spur-of-the-moment decision. : impulse decision + 순간적인 충동으로 * cf. on impulse, on the spur of the moment (순간적으로 자극받아) ; whimsically * cf. at whim (순간적 기분에 따라서) https://open-pro.dict.naver.com/_ivp/#/pfentry/12fe9d3dd361445e9e89cbea6ef1c38a 더보기 My go-to answer for anything 뭐든 통하는 대답 My go-to answer for anything. Staying out late? School project. Need extra money? School project. - 13 readons why 8p * go-to 형용사 go-to (사람이) 도움이 필요하면 찾게 되는 go-to guy/man/woman 해결사 She is my go to for help. What is your go-to dish when you are cooking for your family? https://m.blog.naver.com/n3120015/222997926767 https://youtu.be/Ro2oxecTmFQ 더보기 I don’t think the coffee’s kicked in yet 그 커피가 아직 효과가 없나보네요 The coffee has not made effect yet Kick in (약 등이) 효과를 나타내기 시작하다 / ~하는 것을 거들다 =chip in I hope the coffee’s kicked in soon. I'm waiting for the painkiller to kick in. 더보기 이전 1 2 다음