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It Starts With Us

It starts with us ch1




.. but it was hard to find the humor in it as a child when I was always the recipient of the hurled insult.


recipient 수령자, 수취인

hurl (분노하여) .. 을 세게 내던지다 

hurl abuse/insults/accusations at sb 

...에게 욕설(모욕적인 말, 비난)을 퍼붓다



Judith Martin  (née  Perlman ; born September 13, 1938 [1] ), better known by the  pen name   Miss Manners , is an American  columnist , author, and  etiquette  authority. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Martin


Maybe it was a disgruntled employee.


disgruntled 불만에 찬, 뿌루퉁한 =dissatifsied




Brad has been inside taking inventory in order to see if anything was stolen.


take/make an inventory (물품 등의) 목록을 작성하다


He scratches the stubble on his jaw. 


stubble (새로 돋아난) 짧고 뻣뻣한 털(수염)

- He had two days' stubble on his chin. 

출처 : https://m.blog.naver.com/pp5452/221736326728




What if they come back for appliances next time?


appliance (가정용) 기기, 전기제품

domestic/household appliance 가정용 기구, 가전제품

a kitchen appliance 주방기기

an electrical appliance 가전제품



I pull up her contact info in my phone.


... the last time I spoke to her, I left the ball in her court. 


* the ball is in sb's court 공은 ... 에게 넘어갔다, 다음 일은 ...의 손에 달려있다

'It Starts With Us' 카테고리의 다른 글

ch3 bond over, giving me whiplash  (0) 2024.11.19
ch2 / flustered, mortified, rattled  (0) 2024.11.19