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연애/결혼 관련 표현

* I'm still on honeymoon pace.


The honeymoon phase is a blissful, carefree period in a couple’s relationship. Both partners are just getting to know each other and seem to find little fault with their significant other. 



What Is the Honeymoon Phase and How Long Does It Last?

Are you in your partner in the honeymoon phase? An expert explains what that is, how long it should last, and what to do if you don't have one.



* Are we an item?  우리 사귀는 중이니? 

- be an item


It means "are we boyfriend/girlfriend" otherwise known as significant others, indicating flirtation or intimacy.


* He is a keeper. 사귈 만한 사람이야

A keeper means he's a great guy, you should keep him (as a boyfriend)

* She's out of his league. 너무 과분해


"Out of my league" is a phrase that is used to describe someone who is perceived as being too attractive, successful, or otherwise desirable for the speaker to pursue or be with.


* She gave him an ultimatum. 결혼하거나 끝내자





What does it mean if someone gives you an ultimatum and says that if you don't agree to be in a relationship with them, they're

Answer (1 of 38): I think it depends on how this is delivered. The context matters. “I understand if you’re not ready, but I have feelings for you, and I don’t think I can just be friends. So, if you’re not interested, I think I’m going to have t
