ch2 / flustered, mortified, rattled
p6I can't tell if I'm shaking because I'm flustered or because I've been too busy to eat since I walked in the door. flustered a. 당황한, 긴장한get (all) flustered (완전히) 당황하다, 긴장해서 허둥지둥대다 I'll be mortified well into next year 굴욕을 느끼는, 굴욕에 찬 I'm splotchy, I have carrots smeared across my shirt, my nail polish has been Chipped since, like, January. splotch (진흙, 페인트 등의) 얼룩, 자국splotchy a. 얼룩덜룩한 not one..