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ch3 bond over, giving me whiplash p17We bonded over Finding Nemo when we were younger.  bond over : 공통된 관심사나 경험을 통해 유대감을 형성하다They bonded over their mutual love for classical music. The team bonded over their shared experiences on the road.  https://youtu.be/_Lzjy0YNPH0?si=FyWCa3MHInMoCEAY  p18His advice is giving me whiplash. whiplash 채찍질, (교통사고 등에 의한) 목 부상 더보기
ch2 / flustered, mortified, rattled p6I can't tell if I'm shaking because I'm flustered or because I've been too busy to eat since I walked in the door. flustered a. 당황한, 긴장한get (all) flustered (완전히) 당황하다, 긴장해서 허둥지둥대다  I'll be mortified well into next year 굴욕을 느끼는, 굴욕에 찬  I'm splotchy, I have carrots smeared across my shirt, my nail polish has been Chipped since, like, January. splotch (진흙, 페인트 등의) 얼룩, 자국splotchy a. 얼룩덜룩한 not one.. 더보기
pachinko ch2 scantier(scanty) 얼마안되는, 빈약한 - scantier mealsbrashly 성급하게 -talked brashly about politicsfeisty 혈기왕성한-well rested and feisty, puny =feeble (남자의 몸이) 왜소한, 빈약한 - a puny young man resolutely 결의에 차서- exhale resolutely* resolution n. 결의안, 결심 deceptive 겉으로만 그렇게 보이는, 실제와는 다른- the cold in Busan was deceptive. - appearances can be deceiving 겉으로 보이는 것과 실제는 다를 수 있다 deplete 대폭 감소시키다, 고갈시키다-now he felt depleted.. 더보기
Pachinko 1-4 1.p3cleft palate 입술입천장갈림증 an opening or split in the roof of the mouth that occurs when the tissue doesn't fuse together during development in the womb hefty 크고 무거운, 육중한endowed with hefty shoulders* endowed with sth 을 타고난perpetually 항상, 끊임없이 = constantlyperpetually tanned from outdoor worknimble 재빠른Hoonie was not a nimble talker p4anteroom 메인룸으로 이어지는 작은 방, 대기실dexerous 솜씨좋은, 능숙한he was dexterous w.. 더보기
An American Marriage p28-30 p28Memory is a queer creature, an eccentric curator.(Celestial의 직업이 artist)  Aretha Franklin  https://youtu.be/DWWCUoaspYk?si=IZEhbogPbtI7IMe4 when we were playing at love : not much experiencebut those were tussles about our relationship : fight p29talk me down : calm me downIf you lose it every time he tries to come clean, you're encouraging him to lie.: lose your temper, tell the truth  burni.. 더보기
An American Marriage p24-27 p24 So I don't hear it in the street? - rumor나 gossip가 아닌, 직접 듣길 바래서   terse words gnarled family tree : messed up, twisted sabotage our marriage : ruin as though it were possible to tango alone / you need a partner: it takes two to tango  p25What kind of bourgie shit is that? / old moneyflip the script(slang) To reverse a situation, especially by doing something unexpected.뜻: 반대로 하다.보통과 반대로 하거나.. 더보기
An American Marriage 같이 읽어요(1) Roy ~p27 https://young-polyglot.tistory.com/231 An american Marriage p3-5Royp3I'm a country boy at the core,- at the core : 뼛속까지 per se= technically, strictly speaking  southern belle : well-to-do family, wealthy family 출신의 잘 교육받은 아가씨, 지금은 young attractive lady의 의미로도 쓰임Georgyoung-polyglot.tistory.com https://young-polyglot.tistory.com/232 An american Marriage p6-7p6- doing something so hood. / ghetto, ga.. 더보기
An American Marriage p21-23 p21 hearty stream : small river, bigger but not river wedgesbaby-stepped behind me  picking her up like a bridehickory tree  bologna sandwiches and grape soda  grape soda :  https://www.theodysseyonline.com/10-things-up-taught-us 10 Things The First 10 Minutes Of "Up" Taught UsFrom beginning to end, Carl and Ellie did it right.www.theodysseyonline.com Why are black Americans stereotyped as likin.. 더보기