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카테고리 없음

Pachinko 1-4



cleft palate 입술입천장갈림증 

an opening or split in the roof of the mouth that occurs when the tissue doesn't fuse together during development in the womb


hefty 크고 무거운, 육중한

endowed with hefty shoulders

* endowed with sth <재능,미모 등>을 타고난

perpetually 항상, 끊임없이 = constantly

perpetually tanned from outdoor work

nimble 재빠른

Hoonie was not a nimble talker



anteroom 메인룸으로 이어지는 작은 방, 대기실

dexerous 솜씨좋은, 능숙한

he was dexterous with his hands

gore 뿔로 받다

good-for-nothing one to a goring bull in a pointless accident



pillage 약탈하다, 강탈하다

as happens in countries being pillaged by rivals or nature


deprecate 비난하다

She deprecated her own children



millet 기장


scrounge 을 (공짜로) 얻어내다, 얻어먹다

it was better for virgins to marry anyone than to scrounge for food 

tally (비용, 개수 등의) 기록, 계산

Hearing no protest at the tally of gifts, 



gambit (대화 등에서 주도권을 잡기 위한) 말, 행동, 수

an opening gambit (대화, 협상 등에서) 말문을 여는 첫마디

making her closing gambit


yearn 간절히 바라다, 갈망하다 = long

What old woman didn't yearn to hold her grandson


forsake (신념  원칙 등)을 단념하다, (습관, 취미 등)을 포기하다

forsook his tobacco to buy her sweets


tuberculosis 결핵

Hoonie died quietly from tuberculosis