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13 reasons why

fix (중독 습관이 되서) 꼭 해야만 하는 것(분량)

our daily TV fix 우리의 하루 TV 시청시간
I need to have my coffee fix in the morning before I speak to anyone.
나는 아침에 누구랑 얘기하기 전에 커피를 꼭 마셔야한다

A brass bell jingles when I open the door. The same bell Hannah listened to whenever she came in for a candy fix.

- 13 reasons why, 48p

A fix can be used to refer a craving for any type of food or drink, or can be extended to further to things like movie genre or hobby. With fix meaning an intake, e.g. "I need to get my fix of exercise", " I need a tea fix". It originates from an idea of addiction, that you require this specific thing in order to get back to a normal state.
